Sunday, May 2, 2010

Benjamin is now 7 months!

Yes, I said 7 months! My little man will be ONE year old in just 5 months! The time has flown by and I've enjoyed spending every moment with my little man! I could not imagine what a day would have been or would be like if I had to send my little man off to day care every day!
He's hit so many milestones and is learning to crawl now! Seems like yesterday he was being born and now he's a sitter and trying to crawl around! Still has no teethies but that's okay! As long as he's not fussin' I ain't worried! He's moved to his crib now and not sleeping in the bed with me. My little man isn't so little anymore. :( He never wants to lay back, not even for a diaper change or bath. He throws his toys for me to fetch.. Oh, I wonder what life will be like with a crawler and then a walker!! WOW!
He's a big mama's boy and cries if I'm out of sight. It's all my fault too because I would never put him down when he was smaller and EVERYONE said, "you'll regret it" and boy, do I wish I would have! Even for 5 minutes!!
He weighs 20.5 pounds and is 28 inches long! He's a huge boy and is getting bigger by the day!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Past 4 weeks

When Benjamin was about a week old, he had a doctors appointment for a yeast rash on his booty from something I ate. It went away in 2 days. At that appointment, he weighed 9 pounds and 3 ounces! The doctor said he was a healthy boy! :)

At 3 weeks, he went back to the doctor because he had the sniffles but ended up just being mucus in the back of his throat and he doesn't know how to clear it so, it'll seem like he has the sniffles for a while. The doctor also looked at his cord since it hadn't fallen off yet. He weighed 11 pounds and was 21 inches long.

At 5 weeks, my little man had his first check-up and had to get a shot and a PKU test. They pricked his foot for blood and IT WAS HORRIBLE!! He screamed and cried so bad. After that, he got his second Hep B shot (one at birth and one at 5 weeks) and that was no better. I had tears in my eyes because he was so upset. In December, he has to get more shots and this time, I'll probably wait in the lobby for Ben to bring him out. It hurt so bad to see him in pain. All I wanted to do was cuddle him and give him lots of love. I hurried to the car and fed him and he was fast asleep! I was so sad for him. I even had few tears for him. He slept for a while after that and didn't have to worry about the pain. The doctor gave him some baby Tylenol and he was out like a light! At this appointment, he was 11 pounds and 14 ouncs and was 21 inches long. His head measured 14 1/4 inches round. My baby is growing so fast!!

Well, since today is actually Halloween, I'll post a few pictures from the Pumpkin Patch that we didn't get to walk through. We went inside the building for pictures since it was sprinkling outside and the babies didn't need to be out and get sick.We definitely had a crowd of people taking pictures- and they turned out pretty good! And we actually got some cute pictures of Benjamin and his cousin, Nevaeh- their first pictures together- and a few family pictures!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Benjamin is almost 2 weeks old...

It's so hard to believe that we've already accomplished so many things!! Like, his first bath, learning when he's hungry or needs a diaper change.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Benjamin Lawson is here!!!

On September 22, Ben and I went in to Dr. Cooper's office for a regular doctor appointment. When we got there, I was weighed, checked for protein in the urine, and sent to a room. While we were waiting in the lobby, Ben asked if I had dilated any. I told him no- I felt the same as any other day. Once we got into the room and Dr. Cooper checked me, I was at 3 cm!! Ben and I were so shocked and when she said "Do you want to come in tomorrow morning to be induced?", we didn't know what to say. She said she'd come back in a second for our decision. We decided on Thursday, his actual due date. Tuesday I lost my plug, Wednesday night before the induction, I had my bloody show and Thursday morning we went to the hospital at 6 am!
Once we got there and I changed into my gown, I got into the bed and answered a few questions. Around 7:15 am, the nurse started my IV and Pitocin. I was still answering questions until 8:15. I got situated and decided to get on my birthing ball. At 8:23, my water broke! We knew he was going to make his appearance THAT day! Started having contractions maybe 30 minutes after my water broke and IT WAS ON! I remember crying during a contraction with Grand parents, Wendy and Ben, in the room. After they left, I asked for my mom to come on back. Once she got in there, I asked to be checked and was at 6 cm! It was like time was flying by. My Grandma Sally came into the room when they were checking me again. This time, I was at 9-9 1/2 cm! Nurse said if I felt the urge to push to go ahead and start. I WAS NOT READY! I told her I was scared and I couldn't! She told me it wasn't the time to be scared- he was coming no matter what! She called Dr. Cooper and she was there at 11:58 and that's when i started pushing.
I was pushing with my feet on the stirrups and had 2 bars in my hands. It didn't seem to be working so, I grabbed my ankles and went from there! Everyone was saying "A FEW MORE PUSHES AND HE'LL BE HERE!!" I didn't think he was ever going to come. Once they saw his head and were screaming "HE HAS HAIR", I knew he was about to come!! I ended up having an Episiotomy because his head was so big (13 1/2"). I asked Dr. Cooper if she could just pull him the rest of the way once his head popped! Everyone in the room was laughing but I was dead serious. A few more pushes, and he was out! On Thursday, September 24, 2009, at 12:22 pm Benjamin took his first breath. Dr. Cooper sucked all the fluid out of his nose and mouth and laid him on my chest! Ben cut his cord and right away, I was in love! All of the pain went away once he was in my arms.
They took him to be weighed and measured. He was 8 lbs and 10 oz and 20.5 inches long. His head and chest were both 13 1/2 inches. They put his feet print on daddy's shirt and in his baby book. They wrapped him up and gave him back to me. After everyone left the room, he nursed for the first time! He was a hungry little boy!
An hour later, we all went to our personal room and everyone came to visit! From the beginning, everyone said he looked like Daddy with Mommy's nose and that's exactly what I wanted! I have no idea where he gets his brown hair from but, I think it'll change to blonde!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Went to see Dr. Cooper today and while Ben and I were sitting in the waiting room, we were just talking- he asked if I though I had dilated any and I said no. Well, once we got back to the room and she checked me, she said, "you're dilated to 3 cm!" I was in total shock and so was Ben! Then she's going to say, "wanna come in tomorrow morning at 6 am to be induced?" I was still a little overwhelmed to know that I had dilated to 3 cm and she's asking me if I want to be induced!! We decided on Thursday and if I'm at 5 cm at 6 that morning, she's going to let me have him without Pitocin to make my contractions start.
I was thinking I wasn't going to be dilated any and therefore, I wanted to be induced but, if I had dilated, I wanted to go on my own.
I can't believe that NO MATTER WHAT, Benjamin will be here in 2 days!! 2!!! I'm so excited.. I don't think Me nor Ben is going to get sleep tomorrow night!
I can't wait to hold him!
We'll both be parents soon!! I can't wait to have my happy little family! Doesn't seem like I've waited 9 almost 10 months!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Going to be a Mommy SOON!!!

Went to the doctor again yesterday. Thought I might have Toxemia since I'm showing all of the sypmtons except for high blood pressure and protein in the wee. They took blood just in case and sent me to hear Benjamin's heartbeat! It sounds great and I'm measuring at 38 1/2 cm to 39 cm (weeks). The nurse was pressing on my ankles and feet to see if it left indentations. Dr. Cooper was at the office (which normally the doctors only come on Monday's) and told me I needed to come to her office if I haven't had Benjamin by next Tuesday.

I'm thinking she's going to lay everything out with me and then go from there. I'm hoping when she "checks" me, I've dilated and I've thinned out a little and he'll come on his own!
I'm still hoping for the best and I can't wait to see my baby boy!
I can't believe he'll be here so soon! I'm so excited but so nervous- all at the same time!
I'm definitely ready to begin a new chapter in life with my boys!